Travel Occurrence Registry

Pushpin Modules : Logistics
Gear Step : Registration and Settings
Old Key Keywords: Occurrence, trip occurrence, B.O
To create a new Travel Occurrence Record, in the “Trip Programming > Travel Occurrence” menu, click on the “Trip Occurrence Registry” option.
When the “Trip Occurrence Registry” screen is loaded, click the + button at the bottom right of the screen.
When the Trip Occurrence Registry registration screen opens, fill in the information such as the  Trip Occurence Type (for example, if it is an accident, then in this option you can select “Accident”). When selecting the type of occurrence, the fields that were selected for this type will be displayed. You must then enter the displayed fields, such as the  vehicle  that will be registered for this occurrence, Fleet Number, Drivers, Travel Code,  Travel Type  ,  Load Type   , BO Number, Date of issue, etc.
To save the Trip Occurrence Registry created, click on the list button and select one of the available options:
Save: Save the Occurrence without approving;
Save and New: Save the Occurrence and open the screen to create a new one;
Save and Approve: Save the Occurrence and approve;
To edit, approve, print or delete an existing Occurrence, you must click on the description of the registered Trip Occurrence Registry to open its registration screen. Make the necessary edits on the registration screen of the occurrence to be edited, click on the bottom right button and select Save.