: Journey Logistics Accidents prevention Cost Control
: Registration and Editing
To create a new dashboard, in the “Tools” menu, click on the “Dashboard” option.
In the “Dashboard” window, the user must enter the name of the new dashboard in the “Description” field, configure the dashboard structure in the “Layout” box, and choose which users or groups of users will be able to view the new dashboard in the “Permission” box. . In the “Layout” Frame, the user will add rectangles in which the components (graphics) will be allocated. To add these rectangles, you must click on the “Add Column” button.
After adding the desired number of rectangles, the user can configure their respective heights and lengths.
After defining the sizes of the rectangles, the user can move the rectangles throughout the layout by clicking on it and dragging it to the desired position.
To delete a specific rectangle, click on the “x” located in its upper right corner.
After finishing the settings, click the “Save” button and then the key.
Then, access the “Dashboard” menu and then click on the name of the new dashboard.
After the new dashboard window loads, the user can add a component to the rectangle created using the “Click here” option.
When the “Components” window opens, you must search for the desired component by searching for its title in the “Filters” field or selecting the corresponding category in “Categories”.
Once the component is chosen, click the “Add” button.
The user must configure the component. Fields with * are mandatory. After completing the component settings, click the “Save” button.
In the three points located in the upper right corner of the component, the user can edit the component's settings or delete it from this rectangle.
If the user wants to view the dashboard in full screen mode, simply click on the “full screen” button located in the upper right corner of the screen.
The “full screen” mode can be used to mirror the dashboard on monitors or televisions.
To edit a specific dashboard, click on the button with three horizontal lines and then on the “Edit” option.
Within the Dashboard editing window it is possible to clone its entire structure (allocated sizes and components) to a new dashboard. To do this, you must click on the button with three horizontal lines and then on the “Clone” option.