Logistics Accident Prevention Cost Control
The information displayed by the TMS in the form of a Dashboard can also be displayed in the form of .xls or .pdf reports for a more in-depth analysis of information such as telemetry infractions, consumption deltas and even travel reports and Macro analytical reports.
Each module has a set of reports that help the user to visualize the information completely. The permissioned reports per module.
To access the reports, simply access the TMS menu “Reports”.
When loading the “Reports” screen, you can view the modules in which these reports are inserted. To open, simply click on the + next to the name of each module.
To generate a report, simply click on the symbol
at the end of each report line, a pop-up will open. When opening the pop-up, you must fill in the information to generate the report. Fields with * are mandatory information for generating that report. When you finish filling in the information, you must click on the preferred format and wait for the report to download.