Simplified Vehicle

Pushpin Modules: Logistics Accident Prevention Cost Control
Gear Step: Registration and Settings
Old Key Keywords: Simplified Editing, Allocation in Branches, Allocation in Operation, Simplified Editing of Vehicles
If it is necessary to make any changes to the vehicle registration, it is possible to use the Simplified Vehicle screen, in which it is possible to make mass modifications to information such as:  Operation  ,Branch Capacity or Temperature Data Capture .
To access the Simplified Vehicle screen, simply access the “Operation > Vehicle” menu, click on the “Simplified Vehicle” option.
When the “Simplified Vehicle” screen is loaded, the user can filter their search by License Plate, Operation, Capacity Branch, Tracker ID or Temperature Data Capture. Add the desired filters, or just leave the fields blank and click Consult.
When you click Consult, all vehicle registrations will be displayed. To change the Operation, simply click on the corresponding column and the options will be listed. To delete the current one, simply select the “x” next to the name of the operation. The same for the Branch, just enter the name of the registered Branch and select the Branch that this vehicle will be linked to.
If the edited/inserted information is the same for all records, simply click on the symbol to replicate the information for other records.
If the vehicle is in the Temperature Control Module, simply activate Temperature Data Capture .
After making the changes, click the Save button.