: Logistics Accident Prevention Cost Control
Registration and Settings.
Simplified Driver Editing
, Allocation in Calculation
, Shift
, Operation
If it is necessary to make any changes in the registration of people, it is possible to resort to the Simplified Person screen, in which it is possible to make mass modifications of information such as: Type of Registration, Position, Login Tracker, Type of Operation and Branches.
Once the "Simplified Person" screen is loaded, the user will be able to filter their search by Name, Registration Type, Job Title, and Login Tracker. If you have the Journey Module, it will also be possible to filter by Shift and Calculation Configuration.
Add the filters you want, or just leave the fields blank, and click Search.
By clicking Consult, all the records of people will be displayed.
To change the Record Type, just click on the corresponding column and the options will be listed, to delete the current one, just select the "x" next to the type. If the information edited/entered is the same for all registrations, just click on the symbol
to replicate the information to the other registrations.
The position to be selected is registered in "Position Registration".
The Shift to be selected must be registered in "Shift" and the Counting Configuration is configured in "Counting Configuration".
The information shown is mandatory so that it is possible to save the changes made, if any field is left blank an error will be presented, indicating the fields that must be filled in. Once the changes have been made, click on the Save button.